

The query functionality in Kriya gives the user the opportunity to add comments and obtain clarifications from within the interface. A user can add new queries or respond to queries addressed to them.

Insert a new query

Insert a query in the text

  1. Select the text to which a query has to be added.
  2. Choose Insert Query from the Insert menu
  3. Choose the recipient of the query. Note: if you are an author, you can only raise queries to the production editor.
  4. Type in the query content and click on Add.
  5. You can upload a file from the local system by clicking on Upload File. Drag and drop the desired file or navigate the folders to upload the file in the dialog box.
  6. On save, the query is added with the following notification cues, based on the recipient: AQ (query to author); CQ (query to copy editor); EQ (query to the editor); PQ (query to the production editor). The name of the query owner and the role is displayed alongside.

Insert a query in an object

  1. Click on the object where you want to add a query.
  2. Click on the Query icon.
  3. Choose the recipient of the query. Note: if you are an author, you can only raise queries to the production editor.
  4. Type in the query content and click on Save.
  5. You can upload a file from the local system by clicking on Upload File. Drag and drop the desired file or navigate the folders to upload the file in the dialog box.
  6. On save, the query is added with the following notification cues, based on the recipient: AQ (query to author); CQ (query to copy editor); EQ (query to the editor); PQ (query to the production editor). The name of the query owner and the role is displayed alongside. 

Edit a query

Edit query from the right navigation panel

  1. Scroll to the query in the right navigation panel.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. Edit the query content or change the recipient.
  4. Click Save to save the changes. 

Edit query from the query icon in the content

  1. Scroll to the desired query in the text area.
  2. Click on the query notification icon to display the query text.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Edit the query content or change the recipient.
  5. Click Save to save the changes. 

Delete a query

  1. Click on Delete in the query box. Click "Yes" on the confirmation dialog box.

Review queries in the document

  • Number of queries addressed to you are displayed on the query icon  in the right navigation panel.
  • Unanswered queries are listed first.
  • Scroll through the queries in the right navigation panel. 
  • Click on the desired query block. It'll highlight the related content in the main text area. 

Reply to a query

To reply:
  1. Click Reply on the query in the right navigation panel.
  2. The query can also be accessed from the main text area by clicking on the query notification. Click on Reply in the query dialog box.
  3. Enter text in the text box provided. 
  4. Click on Upload File to add a file with the response.
Note: If you are an author, you can only respond to queries that are addressed to you. 

Validation queries

Queries for unlinked citations

The following options are available to resolve queries if reference/object citations are provided in the text, with no corresponding reference/object in the document:
  • Link existing: Link an existing reference/object to the in-text citation. See how to cite a reference for more information.
  • Add new: Add a new reference/object to link to the in-text citation. See insert a new reference for more information.
  • Not a citation: If the provided text doesn't correspond to a reference/object citation. 

Queries for unlinked references/objects 

The following options are available to resolve queries if reference/object citations are provided in the text, with no corresponding reference/object in the document:
  • Cite now: Click on Cite Now to add an in-text citation to the reference/object.  See how to cite a reference for more information. 
  • Delete: Click Delete to remove the reference/object from the document.
Authors have the additional options to either select:
  • Unable to resolve: type in the response to the validation query in the reply tab. The next user in the workflow would resolve the validation query, or
  • Check Changes implemented in the editor: choose this option while entering the reply to a validation query, if the citation(s)/reference(s)/object(s) were added by alternative methods.
Note: You have to respond to all queries that are addressed to you before signing off an article/chapter to the next stage. 

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