Overview of inviting and tracking reviewers

Overview of inviting and tracking reviewers

Reviewers hold a pivotal role in the peer review process, a vital aspect of scholarly publishing that contributes significantly to quality control in the field of publishing. We provide editors with the option to invite reviewers from their internal pool and track the reviewers' progress. Editors can make well-informed decisions when inviting reviewers with expertise relevant to the manuscript.  

The following sections provide step-by-step guidance for editors to: 

  1. Find reviewers from the publisher pool or external database 
  2. Invite reviewers, select backup reviewers and add a list of alternate reviewers 
  3. Track reviewer progress for invitations and active reviews 
  4. To initiate the process of inviting reviewers, click on the 'Invite Reviewers' button placed in the top right corner or from the quick actions in the article flyout. 



  1. This will open a pop-up window where you can find and invite reviewers as well as track their progress. 

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