How to perform track actions?

How to perform track actions?

Here, you can perform the following actions: 


  1. Send review invites for or backup / alternate reviewers added to the list 
  2. All invite actions will send an email to the respective reviewers with a preconfigured email template that you can personalize before sending 

Follow up  

  1. Send follow up emails to reviewers yet to respond to the invite 
  2. Send follow up emails to reviewers who have accepted the invite but are yet to complete their review 
Note: The system has been configured to automatically send out follow up emails to unresponsive reviewers before, on, and after the due date. Check with your administrator for the configured follow up frequency 

Extend due date 

  1. You can use this option to extend the review completion due date for reviewers.
  2. Typically, reviewers would email the editors requesting an extension to due date if they are delayed or need more time to complete the review 

Cancel invite/Cancel review

  1. Cancel invite for unresponsive reviewers who yet to respond to the invite 
  2. Cancel review for reviewers who have accepted the invite but are yet to complete the review 
  3. Cancel as backup to remove backup reviewers who are no longer needed  
  4. All cancel actions will send an email to the respective reviewers with a preconfigured email template that you can personalize before sending 

Reopen review 

  1. If you feel the completed reviews are inadequate, you can reopen the review 
  2. All reopen actions will send an email to the respective reviewers with a preconfigured email template that you can personalize before sending 

Automated follow-ups- Chasers

  1. Reminder emails will be automatically sent to reviewers for follow-up.  
  2. These reminders or "chasers," will be sent a few days before the due date to reviewers whose reviews are still in progress. 
  3. The interval for reminder notifications can be set according to the customer's desired timeframe. 

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