How editorial QC/Technical decision signoff the manuscript?

How editorial QC/Technical decision signoff the manuscript?

If an ‘Accept’ decision has been made on a manuscript, you can perform final QC checks before moving it to the production.

  1. Once your checks are done, click on the ‘Sign-off’ button on the top-right corner of the review page.  
  2. This will lead you to a pop-up window displaying these sign-off options: 
    1. Send it to Editor-in-Chief / Section editor (if you spot any concerns) 
    2. Send it for production 
    3. Send it for Author revisions (for minor corrections to be made) 

Note: If you are using Kriyadocs for your production system and services, the article will continue through the workflow to move to the production stages for pre-editing, copyediting, typesetting, proofing etc.  

If you are using a different production system/service, Kriyadocs will auto generate an XML package that can be configured to be auto deposited in an FTP path for your production system/vendor to pickup. 

If a ‘Reject’ decision has been made on a manuscript, it will move to the ‘Rejected manuscripts’ stage in the dashboard. 

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