How to make decision/sign off a manuscript?
- During the peer review lifecycle, the manuscript goes through the different lanes handled by the different editors (Editorial Assistant, Editor-in-chief, Section editor, Associate editor etc) before a decision is made.
- The sign off options determine how the manuscript changes lanes and who gets assigned at each sign off.
- Click on the ‘Make decision’ button available in the top right corner of the review page or ‘Assign editor’ button from the dashboard.
- Based on the workflow configured for your publisher, the sign off options would vary for each stage and user role.
- Generally, the following options would be available for you:
- Assign to editor / send back to editor
- Make a recommendation / decision
Editorial Assistant/Publisher manager/Publisher admin
- As an editorial assistant who performs desk review checks, you can sign-off a manuscript that is ready for review, to move it to the next stage in the peer review process, by clicking on the ‘Make decision' button.
- This will lead you to a pop-up window displaying these sign-off options. As mentioned above, the sign off options depend on your publisher’s editorial workflow configuration.
Unsubmit manuscript
- This allows you to send back to the author to make corrections
Send to Editor-in-chief / Section editor / Lead guest editor
- This can be sent to the senior editor once your triage/desk review checks are done and you feel the manuscript is ready for editorial review
Send to Associate Editor / Guest editor
- Use this option to reassign to previous editor during a revision cycle
- If your journal has special issues, then the Kriyadocs workflow also supports assigning manuscripts submitted to special issues to be routed to guest editors.
Note: All of these options have preconfigured email templates that you can edit and personalize before sending.
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